Q&A with Len Lubbe: Navigating the OMNI CHANNEL Landscape
Please join us for this fascinating conversation with Len Lubbe, CEO and Founder of LoyaltyPlus, on the strategic implications of OMNI CHANNEL in Loyalty Marketing.
Q&A with Frik – Unveiling the Future of Loyalty Marketing
Unveiling the latest strategic insights shaping the landscape of Loyalty Programmes in 2024.
Q&A with Dylan Ring: Ensuring Quality and Client Satisfaction
Talking with Dylan Ring, our Software Quality Assurance Analyst. His role involves ensuring the quality and reliability of software products by defining test plans and facilitating communication between development and testing teams.
Q&A – Mariette Fouche
Mariette Fouche is a leader in Customer Loyalty Management, serving as the Head of Product Development and Solution Design at LoyaltyPlus.
API’s and Third-Party Integrations
Felix du Plessis, the CIO of LoyaltyPlus is discussing the API boom and how LoyaltyPlus is staying ahead of the curve to produce various integration services and API’s to enrich the Loyalty programme experience.
Scalability and Performance in Loyalty Programmes
Please join us as Frik van der Westhuizen takes us on a journey through the strategies, insights, and innovation that fuel LoyaltyPlus’ success in handling vast volumes of customer data.
Exclusive: Unveiling the Future of Loyalty
Today, we sit down with Len Lubbe, the visionary CEO of LoyaltyPlus, a leader in designing and implementing best of breed Loyalty platforms for the past 25 years
Q&A with LoyaltyPlus
We are excited to introduce to you a series of Q&A sessions, where we will draw on our 25+ years of expertise. Our discussions will be multi-disciplinary in structure including discussions from a CEO perspective (strategy), CCO perspective (business), CIO/CTO perspective (technology), CMO perspective (marketing), CDO / COO perspective (development and testing).
Please join us on this expedition, where the world of Loyalty platform provisions unfolds in bite-sized insights